You know what they say

Dec 30, 2003 23:20

Tomorrow never comes. Oh well, I've been lazy/busy/etc., the usual thing. Let's do it to it then. I'll try to keep things down to a minimum of a million words.

The Kristal situation flopped pretty badly. I asked her out the week before Thanksgiving to see a movie or something during the week. She said sure and I gave her my phone number, telling her to call me. Well, no call that night, but it was Wednesday, so I gave it time. The next night I found that she supposedly has a boyfriend. Wonderful for me, huh? Yeah, she never called me, I'm afraid. It's been a little awkward anytime I've been around her, but I think Christmas vacation has helped a little bit, and it probably won't be quite as bad when I get back to school. Wow. That's probably the shortest story I've ever written involving her.

The last two weeks of school were insane. We had testing like crazy. The week before we got out, we had last minute tests on Monday and Tuesday, then nine weeks tests Wednesday through Friday. Next I had the ACT early Saturday, then I had a project to do on Sunday that was due the next day. On Monday and Tuesday, I had two practice US History State Tests that counted as real test grades. Wednesday through Friday was Semester Exams. You can bet I was tested out.

On the last Friday, we could leave early if we didn't have tests in a period (it was Sixth Period Exam, Fifth Period Exam, then Fifth Period lunch). I could have left in 5th, but Matt was my ride, and he had a test then. He didn't bring a note to leave (I did), and A. Ray said you needed a note on the intercom. So after the exam period was over, we went to the office, because the memo said you could just leave. Matt asked M. Ray about it, and he said he'd ask A. Ray. He pretty much forgot, so Matt and I went and got the memo from Mrs. Coombes' room and Matt handed it to him. Matt was pretty pissed off at the whole thing. So when M. Ray looked at it, he said, "Mr. Ray, these gentlemen would like to speak to you." A. Ray read it and Matt pointed out that he didn't bring a note, and the memo said we could just leave after exam time was over. He said, "That's right, if you commute by car, you can leave." So Matt and I took the memo back, and got the hell out of dodge. I honestly don't understand these people.

Scott came back to see us before school let out about the yearbook. We're cutting off sales for good January 5 when we come back, and we're going to order just that many books, instead of 300. This way, we'll be able to afford the yearbook AND the new program, so it's all good. We did have to cut the 16 extra pages were going to add though. Oh well, win some and lose some.

Oh hey, NEW COMPUTER. The other one died around the week of its anniversary. I'm pretty sure the power supply died, because it kept cutting off on me and then finally wouldn't come back on. My mom got a new one while she was in Jackson visiting my grandfather in the hospital.

eMachine PC:
-120 Gig Hard Drive + 40 Gig Hard Drive from old computer
-512 Megs RAM
-AMD Athlon 2800+ XP processor
-GeForce4 video
-nVIDIA sound
-DVD player and CD burner

It's much happy goodness. Only problem is, this monitor (my mom didn't buy it with a monitor) speakers, plus the ones that came with the computer. Now, they're all connected so it comes out of them all, but it's not that loud at times, especially on certain movies. The cord behind everything has a short in it, and if you move it, the sound fluxuates, and you have to get it just right so it'll be decently loud. And then, I found this. KB has these on sale for $30. It's not 5.1 or anything, but with that price (compared to 5.1) for what I need, that's great.

Since it was coming eventually, what I got for Christmas (at least the stuff worth mentioning, I got a couple of shirts and stuff earlier on that were pretty neat):
-Mario Party 5
-Soul Calibur II
-Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge
-Mp3/CD Player
-Logitech Optical Wireless Mouse

My mom's also going to reorder Nintendo Power and I'll get the Zelda Collector's Disc with that. I could have it already, but I used my codes to get it for Mrs. Phillips and had it sent to her house. She was pretty ecstatic.

That's about all I can think of, as far as the jist of everything that's been happening (apart from me being lazy on my break). Now I will continue enjoying it until I go back to school and continue the Valedictorial fight (I don't know if that's a word or not, but it should be).
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