
Oct 19, 2003 22:32

* SlainteIanBannen sets mode: +b *!*@68-235-9-94.lndnnh.adelphia.net
* Matt| sets mode: -bo *!*@68-235-9-94.lndnnh.adelphia.net SlainteIanBannen
* ChanServ sets mode: +o SlainteIanBannen
* Matt| was kicked by SlainteIanBannen (SlainteIanBannen)
* Matt| has joined #gamecubecafe
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Matt|
[MewMewtwo45] Solution:
-Stormrider:@#gamecubecafe- Ok, asshole, I've told you that that script is against policy,
[SlainteIanBannen] Keep up telling me that everything is wrong and awful
* MewMewtwo45 sets mode: +i
* Matt| was kicked by MewMewtwo45 (DODGE THIS)
[SlainteIanBannen] and that'll be your fate
* MewMewtwo45 sets mode: -i
[Frozen-Solid] hahahha
* el_mono_electrico has joined #gamecubecafe
[latinakitty007] lmfao
[Frozen-Solid] go MewMewtwo45!
[MewMewtwo45] :)
[Stormrider] Kudos, Joseph
[latinakitty007] That's the highlight of my day
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