She's seem them all the time, the pictures of you that you don't give into so easily...

Sep 13, 2004 21:44

My life is rated PG.
What is your life rated?

So I'm a bad kid! I thought my life would be rated PG13 at least, but I guess I'll remain a kid's movie. Hah I can't imagine kids watching me, They'd probably think I'm weird...wait I am.

Anyway, my breath really stinks right now. I've been sleeping since 5 and i woke up about an hour ago. I feel like a train hit me, my friggin head hurts soooo much. I don't like this stupidity! Having constant pain is such a dumb concept.
I had a pretty weird dream too. It was about some guy getting murdered and mutilated. I just remember the images, I don't really remember the story, but one of the images was the murderer carrying a suitcase and there was a fine scarlet stream following him and I remember smelling something foul. I dunno, thats a weird dream to have, but then again no one said that dreams are always pleasant.
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