So there has been one thing good that came out of this week. (Or, I suppose if one wants to get technical, two.) But I was listening to KBUL testerday (*country girl*) and I called in on their Free Music Monday and won a CD! Sugarland's (LOVE them) brand new CD, Enjoy The Ride. And we were already in Reno, so we dropped in to pick it up and I was hoping that their first big song would be on it, but it wasn't and the girl at the counter was listening so she tried to find their first CD but didn't have it, so she gave me Martina McBride's brand new CD, Waking Up Laughing, instead. How cool is that? It wasn't even part of the prize!
I have yet to listen to Martina's CD, but I've listened to Sugarland's twice and I have absolutely fallen in love with the song "Happy Ending."
(It's track number five.)