The List

Jan 25, 2010 00:38

1. Find the self-confidence to flirt with a random attractive guy, maybe even make out with him
2. Dye my hair pastel/Jeffree Star pink
3. Become a red head
4. Randomly take a weekend get away to anywhere, has to involve using a bus to get there. Can involve a buddy.
5. Record a song and see how many people I can get to add it to their myspace pages as a profile song. Minimum # being 30 (That seems impossible)
6. Take part in an Open Mic stand up comedy an see how bad I suck.
7. Cook some outrageously fancy three/four course meal with fancy plates and everything.
8. Ride every roller coaster in sight at an amusement park (I'm terrified)
9. Wear a bikini without feeling bad about myself.
10. Run a mile in under ten minutes.
11. Knit/Crockett a scarf, leggings, cupcake, and a hat.
12. Learn how to take a computer apart.
13. ... Piss standing up... in the men's bathroom in Hanes mall while Lauren stands guard. XD
14. Go fishing and catch something somewhat impressive.
15. Water ski
16. =D Kickboxing! Or some martial art thingy.
17. Spray paint the side of a building.
18. Throw rocks at someone's window until they answer it and start singing a love song. (Preferably someone I know, but it's not decided yet XD)
19. Have a spa day <3
20. Be brave enough to get my hair cut into some type of style that requires A LITTLE bit of effort to maintain.
21. Make a truck bed into a swimming pool on a hot summer day.
22. Create (an actually make) a new flavor of Popsicle. Maybe strawberry rose? Or... Chocolate Lavender raspberry?
23. Sell an outfit.
24. Create an outfit that isn't intended for cosplaying XD
25. Take a trip to the mountains and learn how to snow board + drink hot chocolate in some lobby area.
26. Go to Texas just to try the mexican food there.

~*~*~*~ More coming soon ~*~*~*~ (An hopefully some completion dates coming soon too!)
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