Nov 15, 2007 01:39
What do you think?
Note: I sometimes resend things if he doesn't answer within the time frame that he has been answering things so far in that conversation... sometimes he misses messages if he is getting sent a lot 'cause in a game, everyone's message show in the same color in the same window. He agrees that this is what I should do in case he didn't see the message. So if you see something sent from me two times in a row that's why.
[10:52] Wutin is now playing EverQuest
[10:52] mewgirl: hey so are you back yet? heh what happened?
[10:53] Wutin: Had to help mom with kids
[10:54] mewgirl: yeah why were you gone so long though? i need you today and you kinda just disappeared :(.
[10:54] Wutin: Sorry
[10:55] mewgirl: heh i dont feel so good physically either atm.
[10:59] mewgirl: heh so whats going on?
[10:59] Wutin: Just trying to get a couple AA before I level to 71 for armor upgrades
[11:03] mewgirl: Which AA you gertting today?
[11:07] mewgirl: Which AA you gertting today?
[11:07] Wutin: Planar Power
[11:10] mewgirl: You said more tehn one
[11:10] Wutin: 3 points
[11:10] Wutin: I have 2 I need 3
[11:14] mewgirl: ah... that one that got you a full AA per kill not working anymore?
[11:15] Wutin: What?
[11:15] Wutin: Never gottan a full AA per kill
[11:17] mewgirl: You were in... AC?? That day I wanted to buff you...
[11:17] Wutin: That was NOT a full AA per kill, not even close
[11:18] Wutin: No where is there any place where you could get a full AA per kill at any level
[11:22] mewgirl: Well you said almost didnt you?
[11:22] Wutin: no
[11:24] mewgirl: /sigh Okay, so where can I get a laptop that can run EQ and connect to wireless for $1,000?
[11:24] Wutin: No idea
[11:24] Wutin: online perhaps
[11:25] mewgirl: Im just saying I dont know anything about how to select one.. you know more then me... what do you know?
[11:25] Wutin: About laptops, nothing
[11:27] mewgirl: Abuot computers
[11:27] mewgirl: Like what i need and how iu would get it as cheap as possible, to run eq
[11:27] Wutin: /shrug
[11:27] mewgirl: unfortunately that one we saw at the Salvation Army was gone.
[11:31] mewgirl: *wants to talk to you*
[11:31] Wutin: I know
[11:34] mewgirl: *wants to talk to you more* >.> lol
[11:45] mewgirl: :( what you do today?
[11:46] Wutin: I leveled to 70, got some nice new augs and now I am doing Dains
[11:51] mewgirl: Yay, augs. Lets see if I can get linkage >.>
[11:51] Wutin: You can't
[11:54] mewgirl: Hm?? What does it do?
[11:55] Wutin: Well I got a few of em
[11:55] Wutin: Most add a decent amount of HP
[11:56] Wutin: 2 of em
[11:56] Wutin: one was HP, ATK, ACC and hte other was HP Shielding and Avoidance
[11:57] mewgirl: Well at least your HP and END arent maxed =P. Do hose have a max?
[11:57] Wutin: no
[12:02] mewgirl: Cool. BUt what I meant was, what happens wen you try to send me a link?
[12:02] Wutin: you just get teh text
[12:07] mewgirl: How do you know that? You havent sent it to me
[12:08] Wutin: Cause you have to be in EQ to use EQ links, peeps outside of EQ just get text
[12:08] Wutin: found though out when someone join EMarr General CHat from EQ2
[12:09] mewgirl: Well Im not in another game, Im just in an instant messenger thingie.
[12:11] mewgirl: Who joined from EQ2?
[12:11] Wutin: I dun remember
[12:12] mewgirl: /sigh
[12:12] mewgirl: But i meant what diod you do today, not what did you fdo on eq today
[12:13] Wutin: I watched Surf's Up with the kids, helped out my dad a bit
[12:14] mewgirl: that disney movie?
[12:14] Wutin: No think Sony made that one
[12:15] mewgirl: hmm, not sure if ive heard of it...
[12:16] mewgirl: damnit
[12:27] mewgirl: are you not in a good modd today...?
[12:28] Wutin: trimming calusses
[12:28] mewgirl: huh????
[12:28] mewgirl: Okay wait, what does that have to do with you eing in a good mood??
[12:29] mewgirl: and what happened yto your group?
[12:29] Wutin: Timer
[12:31] Wutin: bleh pants made stephen's legs itch
[12:32] mewgirl: Take pants off =P
[12:32] mewgirl: (And then come down here =P)
[12:33] Wutin: I can;'t without pants on, too cold, besides I;d get arrested
[12:33] Wutin: And I can;t take off what I am not wearing
[12:36] mewgirl: Well then you just take them off after you get here right? =P
[12:36] mewgirl: If you are not wearing them then hoe did they make your legs itch?
[12:36] Wutin: don't tempt me
[12:37] Wutin: They made my legs itch then I took them off, then I mentioned that they made my legs itch
[12:40] mewgirl: Why cant I tempt you :(?
[12:40] mewgirl: Oh I see
[12:40] mewgirl: What kind of pants?
[12:44] mewgirl: Why cant I tempt you :(?
[12:44] mewgirl: Oh I see
[12:44] mewgirl: What kind of pants?
[12:44] Wutin: sweats
[12:46] mewgirl: Does that mean you WANT to be tempted? >.>
[12:46] Wutin: Kinda
[12:47] mewgirl: lol are you sure cause its after midnight.
[12:48] Wutin: That is why I said don't
[12:48] mewgirl: oh i see.
[12:48] mewgirl: Okay Ill tempt you tomorrow =P.
[12:48] mewgirl: Damn, that means I have to get online tommrrow and make sure you dont masturbate today.
[12:49] mewgirl: youre not going to bed any time soon are you?
[12:49] Wutin: Tomorrow I have an appointment with David Hughs AND an appointment with Dr Martin
[12:50] mewgirl: Whos that?
[12:50] Wutin: psychiatrist
[12:51] mewgirl: Okay, tomorrow is Wednesday though, not Thrusday
[12:51] mewgirl: isnt it?
[12:51] Wutin: no
[12:51] mewgirl: okay... so why both on the same day?
[12:52] Wutin: Because I have been sick so my appointments with David got a lil messed up
[12:52] mewgirl: ok
[12:53] mewgirl: well like i said youre not going to bed anytime soona re you? i mean i would have actually ben back by now
[12:55] mewgirl: ok[12:53] mewgirl: well like i said youre not going to bed anytime soona re you? i mean i would have actually ben back by now
[12:56] mewgirl: um hello? i just want to go get my qtips.... and i am not done talking yet so i want to do it quick
[12:58] mewgirl: oh man... i wasnt sad for a minute either... okay if i ask you a question, please respond with an answer to the question, not *insert some random comment here*, especially if you are going to go afk right afterwards.
[1:00] mewgirl: ok if you got an error you can resend now...
[1:01] mewgirl: i relly need to get up soon my pants are bothering me!
[1:02] mewgirl: please dont go afk without telling me! if you were gonna go afk i could have gone too! ut now i have to ewait 20 minutes for you to get back and i cant even go to my car cause youll probablay say youre going to bed when you get bac and that cant happen caus ei had to get my qtips and then ask you a question after i did that first! where are you?please stop doing this
[1:04] mewgirl: i am getting kinda upset and my vagina is really starting to bother me, can you please answer soon?
[1:04] Wutin: Not AFK just trying to ping real fast
[1:04] Wutin: Answer what you keep saying yu asked a question but you haven't asked anything I havent answered
[1:05] mewgirl: can you please jsut answer me we were in the middler of a onvo! and youre gonna go to bed after you do arent you? so i ahve to this extermely fast nbut first i have to wiat for you to say you wont go to bed while im afk.. and i could have gone and come back like 6 times already! [note: this was sent before i saw the two messages before it]
[1:05] Wutin: ANSWER WHAT
[1:05] mewgirl: why is thew gmae always moire fkin importanrt?
[1:05] mewgirl: well hang on i have to find it
[1:06] mewgirl: when i said 15 minutes ago 12:49] mewgirl: youre not going to bed any time soon are you?
[1:06] mewgirl: and you responded with 12:49] Wutin: Tomorrow I have an appointment with David Hughs AND an appointment with Dr Martin
[1:06] mewgirl: and then i asked twice more
[1:07] mewgirl: why are you yelling at me???
[1:07] mewgirl: i dindt do anything wrong i just wanted to go get a qtip
[1:08] mewgirl: you didnt say anything babe but i cant send you the log cause youre in tells
[1:08] mewgirl: you mightve mt'd it to somebody
[1:08] mewgirl: i was really depressed when i came on today andfthen you said you were horny for me and now youre yeeling at me
[1:09] mewgirl: im loking at the log and i didnt get it im sorry
[1:09] mewgirl: you arent ebing very nice right now :(
[1:09] mewgirl: itll only take me 5 minutes i just wanna be able to go get it if you wont go to sleep in that time and keeptlaking being nice when i come back
[1:10] mewgirl: cant you do Shift UP and resned?
[1:11] mewgirl: did you block me?
[1:11] mewgirl: i am aftraid now that youore gonna go to sleep even though i had at least 25 minutes when i first asked
[at some point he signed off, camping takes 30 seconds so it could've been before my last message]
This isn't how I wanted to spend my limited internet time...