Jan 16, 2012 19:49
So I'm loving Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It's pretty old, but really funny and full of action. I really like Willow; she's so awkward and I actually find her pretty. I also like how Xander always subtly hits on Buffy. Ugh, I really want Angel and Buffy to just get together. They're so perfect for each other, minus the fact that Buffy's the Slayer, and Angel's a Vampire. I'm only on Season 2, but I can tell I'm beginning to get addicted. Oh, and I forgot Giles! I love how he's so not up-to-date with anything, and he'd rather consult his books than surf the web. Wow, the computers look so primitive in Buffy. They're like giant blocks. Anyway, I definitely approve of his relationship with Ms. Calendar.
I'm getting my sleeping Oshawott and Tepig soon! At least, hopefully before I'm 90... I really want them now, because 1) I'm very impatient, and 2) They're so cute, adorable and big :3 * fan girl moment*. I think I'm crazy.. Noppin is taking so long to process my order.. The middleman services are such a pain, although I guess I'd rather use them than nothing. I just wish I lived in Japan or something. I love Asian culture, with the added benefit of Pokemon Centers all around! The US is lame.. We need a Pokemon merchandise center like in Japan. Even though we have Nintendo World and the thing in Washington, they're no where near the caliber of Pokemon Centers in Japan. The people in Japan always get the special offers and exclusive items. I guess Pokemon did originate in Japan, but I'm totes jealous of the Japanese people.
So I ended up with all A's! Even in Physics, which I thought would be impossible.. I'm so glad this semester's over, although I admit I will miss Mrs. Uptmore (Physics teacher) and Mrs. Coates ( Algebra teacher).
This semester is going to be so easy other than AP US History. The only thing that worries me about that class is the AP Test... The only reason I'm going to take it is to be able to opt out of the final exam. Anyway, this semester's schedule looks like this: 1st- AP History, 2nd- Orchestra, 3rd- Yearbook :), and 4th English. My core classes are my strong suits. I just realized something.. I had math and science last year 1st semester, and then English and World History second. Yearbook is going to be sooo fun! I have it with the girl I like, plus I'm just creative and stuff!
Sorry for my lack of interesting posts <--- Doesn't have a life <--- LOL, you got that right