Night's Nieces

Nov 09, 2015 16:37

I mentioned a short story commission in my last post. This is what it relates to: some time ago, Tanith Lee's husband John Kaiine contacted me with regard to writing a story for an upcoming tribute anthology for Tanith: I was honoured to be asked, and duly wrote the story. It's called Waterwitch, and it's a sea story: I always associate Tanith with the sea, partly because so much of her work is based around it, but also because of where she and I lived when we got to know one another, namely the South Coast of England.

I ran the story through Milford this year and they liked it, and it subsequently made it into the anthology.

Today, Storm Constantine has let everyone know that "Immanion Press is in the final stages of producing 'Night's Nieces' a collection of short stories by female writers who were friends of Tanith Lee and greatly inspired by her. The lineup includes Cecilia Dart-Thornton, Vera Nazarian, Sarah Singleton, Kari Sperring, Sam Stone, Freda Warrington, Liz Williams and me. I also edited it.
Tanith's husband John Kaiine has done a wonderful cover illustration for us, and I'll preview this as soon as I've put the text on it.
The book is due out in early December - so a perfect Christmas present for your fantasy fan friends - and there will be a simultaneous eBook edition. There will probably also be some offers and promotions involved!"
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