March and the written word

Mar 18, 2015 15:13

Rochita Loenen-Ruiz has an excellent post up at Strange Horizons on toxicity here:

citing an equally good article on call-out culture by Asam Ahmad.


My own novel is proceeding at a stately pace, which some might term glacial, but at least it is proceeding. I'm about to send off some material for a new collection, and otherwise we are gearing up for spring, which is well and truly sprung here in the south west of England - hyacinths and daffodils out everywhere, bird cherry filling the hedges, and orchards to be mown. Guess what I've been doing...

In Glastonbury, we've had a great weekend with the Faery Ball, and seeing old friends. Artist Anne Sudworth has been down for a few days and we've really enjoyed catching up. Good to see Brian Froud in town, too. Although I think everyone is saddened by the death of Terry Pratchett, who lived not too far away from here. A huge loss to the genre.
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