...Getting ahead of myself...

Jul 16, 2007 12:24

So, now that I am no long in the radio industry.. I am:
- Staying on Long Island.
- Managing a clothing store inside of Equinox
- Dating a whole lot more..

.. now here's where I'm getting ahead of myself:
- It's official that I am going to invest in a new car, most likely the Scion TC in white. I'm pegging for May 2008.
- I've interviewed at The Nutty Irishman. I'm sure they're going to hire me for booking / waitressing / sounding guy-ing
- I will still be Equinox. with or without health insurance.
- taking the GMATs to go to Stony Brook U.
- I think I've met the man I'm supposed to marry, but we're so far from that step, it's this strange eery feeling, knowing you've met him but it's not time. And the panic that if I'm wrong about this? That no other guy really compares, but I date them anyway just to kill the time until we can be together. I'm scared!
- Moving to suffolk county! (really further down the road)

I miss everyone. Please call me. Now that my life is really in order, I'm feeling stupendous, really really good!
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