Oct 11, 2004 21:14
so yea, lol, weird weekend, sat/sun, i had retreat 4 new teachers in prep, ehhhh, i was te only junior, it was ok, then i had kaplan, lol, me and katie just fooled around durin practrice psat, i got a 1320, and 1940 ovaall, happy enuff, then i came home, and i went 2 bk sweeney's w/ mom, katie and billy, then in2 town w/ jon, michelle, lauren, and my sister katie, lol, had gfun, dunkin' donuts and starbucks, randomly saw sean paulsen, then went 2 the train station, lol, brady zimmer adn licitra wanted us 2 come 2 a party, and gave jon and lauren a beer, then wwe got off at nassau blvd bcuz jon and my sis r messed up, ijumped n2 a bush, almost walked in 2 a cop,t hen walked boak under and then on2 the country club and in2 te pitch black underpass, and we tran bczxu the cop was shinin his lite on the course, then we went on2 teh rracks, and crossed the 3rd rail, not that hard, just gotta watch ur step, then went down the hill and walked around, lol, and 2 homestaead, then bed, and 2day, mom was bitchy, did work, and then went 2 kaplan, lol, just fdooled around durin the analogies since we don't gotta woorry bout them