
Jun 08, 2007 12:12

Yesterday, after getting a call from our local sherrif's department regarding bad weather for the evening included tornado warnings and winds expected to be in the 80-90 mph range, I decided to prepare a bit. (It was a recorded call, but still, how cool is it that they do that?!) Ran stuff over to my sister's house for a garage sale this weekend, came home and cleaned up the back porch/balcony thing, as well as move a lot of my gardening tools into our shed. I've come to the conclusion that we are going to need to get new doors on said shed, as squirrels have carved out an entry way at the top, and it seems that there's some rot that goes all the way through. I also think we're going to have to replace the balcony soon. I'm not sure how long those things are supposed to last, but we haven't done much with it in the past few years and some of the wood is splitting. I know part of my problem is I'm scared of heights, but the stairs also worry me. Granted, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

Other than warnings, all we got weather wise seemed to be storms. Gorgeous storms with thunder that vibrated the house and floors, rain that came down so hard I was soaked walking from my front door to the garage to throw some trash out - six steps maybe? - and lightning that seemed to light up the area right behind us. It was gorgeous. And no tornadoes, thankfully.

The tornadoes got me thinking. I have never heard the tornado sirens for my town. Kinda worries me that I've never even heard the "10 a.m. on the first Tuesday of the month" test. It may be I'm looking for it on the wrong day, but something like that you should hear.

Then again, maybe I'm just developing those Worry Genes my grandma had. I swear they express them selves more as you age...

marielaf - the storms are headed off to Ohio for the evening. Drive safe and watch out for the winds and downed trees.

home, weather, life

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