
Oct 31, 2005 01:05

metukonet's Halloween party:

amhranai9 dressed as the Archbishop of Kaldernade, and it suited them all too well.

betterthanurex dressed as a rabbit.

boobookittyass dressed as someone called "Edith Sappington", but you've never heard of them before.

chewies dressed as a fullback for the Buccaneers.

epiclevelregina didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.

fightthedayaway dressed as Batman.

hillary5 dressed as the President of French Guiana.

horshac dressed as Famke Janssen's uncle.

ilovemrdarcy dressed as a passage.

junididit dressed as a associate sheet spreader.

kamikazepilot dressed as James Madison, and it suited them disturbingly well.

krhazy didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.

lepetitprince dressed as a giant angel.

maereth dressed as a cow.

masterpav1 dressed as Optimus Prime.

maxiene dressed as the Neurotic Power Ranger.

ofconsequence forgot to put on clothes!

phiregod dressed as a Mosser-Solomon ConsultantsLtd. employee.

potatogunr dressed as the Vicount of Truetzeldale.

riffraff1 dressed as the Governor of Iowa.

risapisa212 dressed as a Long & HetzCo. employee.

seesutherland dressed as Cmdr. Riker from "Star Trek".

shomithemess dressed as a character from Harry Potter and the Monk's Code.

silvermoonmagic dressed as a third baseman for the Mets.

spengalaluce dressed as a disturbing self-made character called "Fluffy Lizardhumperdinck".

twat_scooter dressed as Natalie Portman.

wounded_chiron dressed as a 1990's grunge child.

zaxsmile dressed as the love child of Kevin Costner and Gwyneth Paltrow.

zepooka dressed as Oprah Winfrey.

ziggysinamerica dressed as Mary-Kate Olsen with her very own conjoined Ashley.

Throw your own party at the Hallomeme!
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