What a day..

Jun 27, 2005 20:37

Oh my..what a day...x_X Ok..so let's see.. What happened.. ->Thinks.<- Jon..let's start from the beginning. Michael called me...alright, let me make you understand that. Michael, whom hasn't picked up a phone in...years, maybe 4-5? He does not call people...he calls me and tells me that Jon is missing, and asks if I know anything about it. I don't...He tells me"Yes...he called here and was almost in tears...we thought maybe you picked him up. He ran from his home." Now...Jon has been having trouble at home. John...his step-mom takes everything away from him. John is 18, and he is the best friend, and probably the best person I've ever met in my life. Period. Even next to me, Jon is 100x Better of a person. Manners, a firm belief in god, a good friend, athletic, good grades, doesn't do any drugs, hangs out with good person, goes to church, he's just a good person. His step-mom took away a new CD he bought, then all his other things. So Jon finally had enough, and he left...he honestly could not take it anymore, and I can't blame him.

After getting done talking to Michael I call Brandon, he tells me I have a package in. I tell him we have to go check on Jon, when I tell him what's happening he agrees and comes pick me up, then we go to Michael's house, hoping Jon will be there...when we're almost there Chris calls and says Jon isn't at Michael's,he's missing...so the search begins. We get to Michael's house, Michael's mom is in tears...we start making calls. We search a few places, the only thing we can think of is that he's with Jeremy, but no one knows how to get ahold of him. We all go upstairs, as in me, and Brandon. John comes...Johnathon, we're looking for Jon. Michael's mom comes up...and she tells us something that just scared the shit out of me. She said what if Jon didn't really run...what if his mom was keeping him at home? As soon as I hear that I said."Brandon, get up, we're going." And we go.

Michael...he left his house, which is almost a miracle. So it's me, Brandon, Michael, and John. John is 20, and a very big person, he's ready to fight if anything happens, though we were sure it wouldn't be like that. We got to his house...when his step-mom saw four of us she kind of blinked and told us to come in.Immidietly I start searching the house. We talk to them for a little while, but they don't even seem concerned, pissed me off...so then we drove to Chris's.

Chris's, we got there and talked to his mom. His mom is very concerned, and she knew more of the story, but she wouldn't tell his parents, because....they're evil. We came back to my house, checked my caller ID, I looked around, and talked a bit, then we headed back to Michael's. About half-way there we got a call...they had found Jon, he was at his pastors house, with Jeremy. We got to Michael's, I started helping them cook, then waited outside. Chris drove up, with Ila, and Jon...thank goodness. First thing I did is went up to Jon and hugged him...I was so glad he was alright.I hugged him twice. ^_^ He went inside...got taken aside, got hugs from even...Brandon.o.O Wow...there were like 10 people there, waiting for him.

Jon went off to talk with Michael's and Chris's moms...he's going to stay at Michael's now, and I'm glad. Everything went alright. Jon went up, talked to his dad on the phone...I remember him coming from up there crying, and then he went down to the bathroom, that was sad...that made me really sad to see that. I went down, I waited for John..he came out and I talked to him, cheered him up a bit, told him what all we went through to get to him. o.o That was good...it was good to make him smile, laugh. Me and Brandon walked around for a bit and he started pointing out my flaws. Thanks..o.O

Went in...played some guitar upstairs, Jon listened. Then John came in! xD And he starts playing like....the most awesome guitar I've ever heard. Brandon told me we had to go. We got home, he started picking on me the whole way back.>_< O.o he's such an asshole..lol. We got home and he hands me a can and is like."I love you..can you throw this away for me?" Rawr! >_< So.. I did.xD

Here I am now, got a headache, but I'm happy...it was good to see my friends, and everything's. ok..later. ^_^
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