Oct 24, 2005 19:41
Today is mike and my one month anniversary :) Yayy! It makes me very happy indeed.
And it made my day much better, considering I failed my driving test today for stupid reasons consisting of passing an illegally parked car the wrong way. I parallel parked, K turned, and back up 100 feet perfectly. Yet I messed up on the stupidest little thing. Blah, go figure... oh well. I retake it in 2 weeks, and this time I will be oh so ready for any effing illegal cars that they throw at me! *pumps fist in air* Haha.
Saturday was my birthday, and it was a pretty good day. We won our field hockey game in the morning (it was mighty freakin' cold and rainy that day, might I add), and my party that night was a lot of fun. Mike brought me flowers and it made me smile muchly :) He is so wonderful.
Last week of field hockey! Today was our last home game. Varsity & JV both tied. Tomorrow & Friday we are away. As much as I love field hockey, I'm kind of glad that it's ending. I am somewhat looking forward to coming home after school and just relaxing. Our season really turned around, and it's a shame that it took us this long to finally learn how to play well together. I really am going to miss seeing all my hockey girls though<3
So this weekend should be fun! Party on Friday night, and then movies on Saturday! Should be muy divertido! Blah, oh joy, then work on Sunday. Monday is Halloween & I'm going over to Barb's house to hand out candy and watch scary movies! Woo! Haha.
Wow, I used spelling and grammar check in this entry. I made it look all smart and formal, using punctuation and cap locks and everything. Haha, I don't think I've ever done that before, lol.
Ok, well this entry was semi-long & time consuming.
I'll update whenever anything else exciting happens.