Teaching is hard

Jan 22, 2008 13:00

Okay I have recently been recruited to schoolteacher.  Homeschool teacher that is..
The evil one called us before christmas and asked if we would like to start switching off every 2 weeks with the boys, which of course we thought YAY!!!  
The catch was I had to work with them on their homeschool.  NO PROBLEM was my reply.  HAAAAAA boy am I naive.  
She is such a big fat liar.  I worked my butt off for 2 weeks with them on schoolwork and she is crazy if she thinks I am stupid enough to believe she has been doing ANY sort of work with them.  For one she sent NO schoolbooks or work,  so we went and spent over $100 on workbooks, and then they are so behind they have no idea what I am wanting them to do.  
I hate to break it to the evil wench but crap is about to hit the fan.  
She can't expect us to just roll over and let the boys not get an education.  she is such a dimwit.  
I hate her hate her hate her.  
I can't wait to take her lazy butt to court.  Dang I sound so angry.  
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