Dec 23, 2001 11:13
Went to Denver, got here successfully. am kicking it at my brother's house with his dogs. They and Tama don't like each other too much.. or should i say TAma doesn't like them too much. But we went to Chatsworth park this morning and hung out with the dogs. I'm hoping Tama is getting used to his dogs fairly well before we leave at least. Tama's a good dog, he's just used to being alone.
Did some thinking last night and found myself trying to think too much. Pretty much near impossible when all your problems /thoughts are several cities south of here. I really am enjoying being away.. bummer no journal, though. At least i was able to login today and check email.
We're going to see Lord of the Rings tonight. Should be interesting. I haven't watched that yet and we're all excited to go. Well, don't wanna hog chad's computer all day, so I'll make this short. I really am having a good time here. Wish i had a boyfriend here with me.