Decided to do a reboot of this idea. Feel free to visit
the Facebook group. I will be posting more information soon.
What is it?
A mini icebreaker for those curious, beginners, and parents wanting to learn more about the fashion. Plus, see what the dynamic of our local flock of frills are like. Like a seminar, but minus the boring packets and long winded lectures. This will take place over the course of the spring into the summer.
Is there a dress code?
Nope. I find this helpful to those without any pieces yet to come comfortably.
Street clothes are a go!
But, I"m a Brolita/Kodona/Ouiji ...? Can I still attend?
Yes, you can and you should! We'll be going over the basics for all aspects of Lolita Fashion.
What should I bring
A friend(s)/parent or trusted adult if under 18. Meeting people from the net can be intimidating, but with someone you know in tow, things aren't so scary. Plus, its better to be safe than sorry. Also, feel free to bring G&LBs, snips of images, cameras, notepads...ect. Definitely be sure to charge your phone and have some fresh batteries on hand.
When is this?
Specific dates will be released at least a month before it happens. But, here are the months, areas, and locations I plan on hosting these.
Months that have been selected so far: February, April, May, June, and July