Sep 26, 2016 00:32
He said: when they give things out, I always get the knackered one. He went on to describe being part of group, or a team, given inflatable objects, and his kept deflating. Then he spoke of when young, being sat astride an unwell pony.
This was what he would admit to publicly. He did not go onto say that this tendency which he had noticed had a reliability, a consistency, that convinced him of an unchangeable fate. Either he could see the flawed object coming towards him, its preordained position in the pile exactly matching his place in a queue, or an apparently serviceable item would prove to fail as soon as it was allocated to him.
Once, scuba-diving, he had nearly drowned.
Imagine conscription, war, so much kit to be issued with. The grenade with the faulty timer, the gun with the impeded barrel, the parachute...