Jan 13, 2005 22:07
Once again my financial aid is still taking its' sweet time. Classes start on Tuesday, today is Thursday, I won't have a single book until possibly next Thursday if financial aid works out just right, does the school even realize that this date is looming close? Probably not.
I just spent one hour composing an email to someone else in my company who asked me why I require 3TB (yes, terabytes, or 3000GB) of storage. First, he had no reason to ask me as my division is paying for it. Second, the tone of his email was very condescending. Finally, when asking a question, ask me, not someone else who will give me the question to respond to, it's rude.
The children were butts tonight but went to bed quite easily. Watched Committed and CSI, both excellent, and then an excellent episode of ER, definitely a must see.