I really should be finishing my essay

May 10, 2010 23:37


This is the official description for the Season 5 finale: "The entire season has been leading up to this showdown between good and evil. With the Apocalypse looming, Sam and Dean realize they are out of options and make heart-breaking decisions that will change their lives forever. A beloved character is killed."

akdhaehoasoagh omgwtfbbq.  If they kill off Castiel, I will pitch a fit and never watch Supernatural ever again.  He refreshed the show when it was veering too deeply into the quagmires of Whinechester-dom, he is a bamf of the highest order, he's SO PRETTY, and look, he's human now, so even if they want to purge the angels from the show and get back to monster of the week, Cas could still be a part of it!  He IS a part of this show now - I am fairly certain when I say that Misha Collins is the only actor other than the boys to ever get a 'starring' billing in the credits, which clearly...HE CANNOT GO. OMG. FREAKING OUT.

Bobby's pretty beloved, let's kill him.  I'd cry, but it'd be fine. Hooooooly pinfeathers, if Cas dies for good I do not know what I would do.

castiel, supernatural

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