Title: Fantasies
Original Text(s) Erased:
FantasiesErased by:
metonomiaOriginal text by:
wingedflight21Fandom (of original text): Narnia
Fandom (of erasure): N/A
Note: I was super excited to get Winged as my assignment, because not only is she a prolific writer, but she is prolific with beautiful words and original ideas. There was no question for me of working with
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I shall attempt to put my happiness in words. :DD
First: I was beaming before I even read the actual erasure because your note was so wonderful. I lovelovelove that you picked up on the themes that I was putting into my story (even if, I admit, I didn't realize I was putting them there until after I'd written the thing). The whole interpretation that you explained is just so perfect and gorgeous and <333333
Second: The erasure is so pretty and gorgeous and beautiful and wonderful! My favourite part (a super difficult decision because I love it aaaaalll) is
Susan, it read,
if you would believe
I promise we’ll fit you in.
If only.
because you've managed to take what was originally a fairly cheerful letter and pulled out the yearning and aching and fumbling relationship behind it. Sooooo perfect.
Third: I must say, I read this twice and then went back to read the original fic (it's been a while, k?) and then came back and read it twice more. And then again. Because this is so gorgeous and it flows and - I don't even know how to describe how perfect it is. Seriously.
Fourth: It would have been really neat to see the visual copy, but at the same time, I realize that my fic is 8 pages at +3K and I can only imagine how much sharpie is all over it. :P
In conclusion: THAAAAAAANK YOU from the bottom of my heart because this is gorgeous and perfect and even better than I was hoping and worth the wait for sure. <33333333
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