Jun 05, 2009 01:10
man alot of shit has gone down.....
Track season officially ended in early May....ran some pr's and near pr's including my last college race at Icahn Stadium...afterwards big team party in haverstraw (jamsels house)...then we hit up the bars in Nyack afterwards...got home at like 4 am haha
so I've been training and ran a mile race at this alumni-style meet at the CHSAA championships...SJB won girls, Fordham won boys, Stepinac finished in the middle of the pack....all the same old shit
the team looked well this year, finishing top 5 in county overall in both winter and spring....hopefully I get this asst coaching job =//
I got two races at Icahn back to back Tuesdays...then the six in the summer series in July-August..not to mention running with jamsel/stompy if we have time, working Efrain on the College 5 mile courses to prepare him for Mercy in the fall...and working with the top Stepinac Runners at VCP, Westlake, Valhalla, etc to get them ready for the 2.5 high school courses....gotta prepare and train them well since they want to have a good season...Im gonna be in SICK shape!!!!
So this summer already looks like one of the best...summer '09 and its technically not summer yet!!
looking into Grad School in the Springtime..applying to schools now
Got the Offspring Concert, my grad party, training, racing, running, working, friends, family, ahhhh
Graduated from College MAY 27 2009!!!!!
Bach of Science in B.A.
so happy
I did it
I actually graduated and did it on time!!!
when you consider three years ago I walked into JJC thinking "dont fail out.....dont fail out"
and then it got to "dont give up" and "dont die".......
but i never did
and funny how life has its course and maze for you to take...
also I finally got rid of alot of shit....so I'm actually happy now...
considering I'm still annoyed at certain people for getting into my life and ruining parts of it
I mean if my own family doenst get involved...then that means people I "know" shouldn't either
b/c my family knows more and knows better than other people
so for my wise parents to not care means they know whats up and whats right
then again she was the one who pretty much ended it....how rude and immature way of doing it...but w/e
now i just dont know who's who...is it her....or her?
I think thats it
Went to a game at the new stadium....its OK
I miss the old place
I miss college already
I miss Melanie? =/
Kinda weird not talking to her during work....I find myself working now at work? shit! since when am I supposed to do that?!?!?!?
For the record good old LJ i've had since like 2004....wow...anyway....I never made excuses and I never lied...anddddddddd I never would "hide" bumper sticker news in the news feed....thats like Hiding whenever I burp....or something.....
another yankee game soon...I guess ill just have ot accept hte new stadium....but its like a joke compared to the original cathedral....
I think thats it........................................................................................................................................................................................................