
Apr 13, 2007 23:01

This used to be the story synopsis for the month of December '06.

On his first day of Paradisa, he ventured out and explored the place to determined whether or not the place is the after life. He couldn't believe because he doesn't believe in the afterlife, but he's rather paranoid whether he's in heaven or hell because before his death, Kratos delivered the finality blow to him, a curse, and said, "Feel the pain of the inferior beings as you burn in hell." And Kvar, in shock, was stabbed cleanly through the chest.

On his first entry on his journal, many residents who came before him thought he was joking, high on drugs, but many of the nicer ones informed him that it's not the afterlife at all. Afterward, on his private time, Kvar determined it's not the afterlife basing on his observation that he was able to feel pain and physical sensations to prove he's alive and the experiment turns out well.

Unable to find the explanation of his resurrection from the dead, his memory loss, and his personality change, he was then set to find out the source and the origin of this mystery during his duration in Paradisa. He plays the role of a general scientist.

As days passed on, Kvar's relationship to Rodyle became completely strained due to Rodyle's stubbornness and anger. Reading between their exchanges, it's more of conflicts of interest than taking the time to understand each other.

The strain begun shortly after their arrivals. On the second day of staying, [ Kvar invited Rodyle out for the night], suggesting to have dinner and collecting nocturnal lizards for research. Rodyle was relunctant and downright paranoid and he refused. Kvar tried to coax him, saying his research needs an assistant. Seeing being an assistant is inferior, Rodyle agreed to come along, another chance to prove his intelligence is far above Kvar's and using their date as a cover-up to his plans. Note that Kvar saw his blueprints for another construction of a new [ Mana Canon] on a nearby table. When Rodyle is just about to go with him, he said he'll find poisonous lizards and save the poison to get rid of certain humans in the future. Kvar, fearing punishment for future criminal activities is thoroughly against the idea and Rodyle quickly found out that besides memory loss, Kvar loss his emotional capability to murder and destroy humans. The violent argument ended when Rodyle pushed him out, unable to accept the new Kvar, and isolate himself. In turn, Kvar snapped, trying to pursue Rodyle to change, and as the result of loosing his temper, he set loose his lightening power and discovered he haven't lost his magic powers at all.

[ The next day], Kvar coldly told Rodyle what he knows, referring to the blueprints of the new, second Mana Canon, and trying to show off that he's angry at him. At the same time, he asked Colette what happened to the Mana Canon after he died. She told him it was used to stop the tree from growing out of control and it wasn't powered by a Cruxis Crystal as Rodyle originally planned since Sheena charged with the power of her Summon Spirits. Kvar told Colette about Rodyle's plans, but stopped her from spreading the news to her friends. His purpose to tell her is to let her know. The reason for the hesitation is that he attempts to change Rodyle, preventing him from hurting others and himself, even though Kvar himself has great difficulty in controlling his own stress.

Kvar and Rodyle heated argument quickly turned out of control. Rodyle doesn't understand Kvar's feelings and hated how he is changing into a sentimental being with emotions. He strongly believed and suspected that Kvar's original personality was stolen [and he is right!]. In turn Kvar feebly tries to demonstrate that he cares about Rodyle no matter how impossible it is due to their conflicts of interests. As the argument is coming to a close, Rodyle tries to pushed Kvar away. Kvar refused, almost breaking down feeling that Rodyle seen him very unimportant. In one final, desperate attempt to prove himself, specualating how very old they are, he reveals something that he felt Rodyle deserved to know, but knowing Rodyle would never understand. [ Kvar confessed his feelings to him]. It doesn't take much guesswork to speculate what Kvar said, it was merely three words. However, it is an emotion. The nature of it, we can only guess how it fare and progress in the future. One thing to be sure, it's far from idealistic romanticism. It's more like realistic and gritty and SMACK IN YOUR FACE!!! I GOT CYANIDE SWEETHEART!!! Why Kvar said it? He hopes to plant that information in Rodyle's head, hoping Rodyle would be more careful of his trademark arrogant attitudes. He didn't said it so flippantly, he earnestly meant it, but he said it at the wrong time and thus, it felt awkwardly afterward.

Thus the stage is set for them and it is clear on how they will fare in the RP from now on with their tulmultuous, turbulent, and emotionally vague relationship. How they fall in and out with each other like bouncy atoms. Rejecting and accepting, yet not entirely. However, as for their goals and a solution to their confliction it is not clear and in development.

As Kvar’s settled in with his new home, he tries to adapt and get comfortable. He made a new friend [ Nuriko]. Through his first human friend, he learns to be more open and accepting of himself and gradually conscious of his liking for toys, which is a sign of his depraved childhood that he never knew would hunger to live through again. He learned how to cook, by reading the recipes books he found from the library and he's quite decent.

With his newfound independence to do as he pleased without Cruxis's oppression, this behavior [ irritates the hell out of Rodyle]. After some verbal exchange, what started as polite questionining quickly transformed into an ugly battle of wills and distorted misunderstanding. Kvar snapped after extremely [ angry] at Rodyle's comment of him being a robot that served Lord Yggdrasill. He defended himself and enraged at being belitted so harshly, he does the same three-times fold. His harsh criticism deeply unnerved Rodyle and resulted in him going into a short yet rather violent break down.

Surprisingly, [[Ikki]] randomly [ commented about zombies], not knowing what's going on (and because we muns forgotten to use the filter option, but nevertheless we're amused by the Zombie comment and Ikki did turned out to be very helpful) and he helped Rodyle from going completely bonkers by suggesting a walk. Kvar on the other hand calmly and very coolly pushed him off in a flippant manner, but not rude.

After it was said anddone, Rodyle calmed down bitter, trust and patience thinned - not to mention more eccentric and paranoid as ever. Kvar saw Ikki's intervention worked on calming him down when Ikki commented how angry and stressed he was.

Kvar quickly apologize in earnest, having an a budding intuition it would salvage whatever trust between have left. He invited Rodyle for his outly trips to a toy store. Rodyle agrees, rather meekly and Kvar caught him saying that he might find something he liked. Wondering if Rodyle wants any toys and remembering Rodyle's close relationship with his dragons, he plotted to make up to him by making [ a dragon plush toy]. Not suring it's the right step to save face and knowing Rodyle might not appreciate the gesture, and actually becomes increasingly paranoid due to tension of a very thin trust, he would make the doll anyway.

STAY TUNED. . .:D!!!
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