When the Government has made its people the enemy

Oct 29, 2008 17:32

 Revolution is the duty of every citizen

Those of you who know me know that I am not one for causes so much, I don't do petitions, or protests or letter writing; I prefer to do things, as Granny would say, with skin, doing real things.....so it is rare that cause will truly move me...this however, does:


The very short version is that our government is seeking to implement mandatory internet filtering for all 'unacceptable material'. Please note I say unacceptable not illegal. This includes sites on Euthanasia (illegal) and anorexia (not illegal, just unfortunate).

This is of course the same government that has prevented some states (eg the ACT) from legally recognizing gay partnerships and providing the same benefits under the law, so one is forced to ask exactly what will be considered unacceptable. Porn will be I'm sure; after all everyone with an interest in sex of any sort is some sort of disgusting pervert. How about alternate religions; after all some of them can be quite strange right? How about dating sites for gay's, well since they can't have a real relationship anyways we certainly don't want to encourage that do we?
Of course the last thing we want is anyone promoting controversy about any of the actions our government takes to protect us from ourselves and from the big scary world so perhaps we better block any sites that would encourage that?

This move by our government scares me, half for its own sake and half for the sign of what  must be to come.
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