Aug 11, 2005 19:47
Why do I bother?
There is only ever criticism, complainant, talk about how it used to be better
But who here is putting there nuts on the line over it; who here takes the risks, legal and financial to keep the group going?
I try, oh how I try, to do what I can
Maybe it is me, maybe my time is past, maybe people are simply too polite to say anything; out of respect for the effort I've put in.
Maybe somewhere along the line I lost the vision of Temple of the Winds; and rather than try and convince me of this, which might well prove to be a futile and impossible task, instead they simply drift away, one by one, never to return.....and as each person disappears, a little bit more of Temple is lost, one less voice speaks up....and new members come along and find ........nothing, a group with nothing to offer, no-one willing to put in........................
Temple of the Winds was a vision, an ideal; a place where for four hours a fortnight people could come and talk, share their ideas and experiences with others, to gain learning not through teaching but through discussion, to have people to discuss their ideas with; to be able for four hours a fortnight, neither judge nor be judged.
And it was that once; but times change and in trying to stay true to the principles there had to be a guiding structure, a set of rules....
simple; because in this world no-one is responsible for their own actions; and because there is a website, a posting on and a name...then there is a group, and if there is a group with an adult who is apparently organising and arranging things, then there is accountability, responsibility.
And that means legalities, it means that if a member can't keep her legs closed and her boyfriend happens to come along to Temple as well, then parents can hold the organiser responsible;
if a minor smuggles along a small bottle of jack Daniels to a Temple camp; the organiser is responsible
And all these things mean that Temple can't just be a "a group of friends that meet up from time to time" because sadly that argument holds as much legal water as "My mother said if I can't say anything nice not to say anything at all"
I never asked for this; I never wanted this responsibility; all I wanted was to make sure the dream that was Temple of the Winds didn't die
All I wanted was to give young pagans the chances and opportunities I never had
And perhaps that was my mistake there; I never asked them if that is what they wanted, I simply assumed that because that is something I would have wanted at their age so too would they; but times change
Maybe young pagans don't want a safe place to talk about their beliefs, a place where they can ask questions and learn from each other's experiences
or perhaps they don't deserve it; because they are not willing to do anything to keep it; perhaps it would have been better to simple let the dream of Temple of the Winds die a noble death four years ago.....just one more pagan group to vanish....
It would have saved me a lot of pain, heartache and financial strain that's for sure.....
It would have meant I didn't need to watch Temple of the winds die a slow, suffering and painful death; torn apart by backstabbing, gossip and infighting......and then when the wounds were done, left to slowly bleed to death, killed not by personality conflicts or burnout but rather by apathy;
And now there are those who would dearly like to leave the group, but feel the group has given them so much that they wish to see it restored
But wish in one hand and spit in the other, see which gets filled first
Perhaps even the simple need for a group like Temple of the Winds has passed; an anachronism, like me, with no place in the community, no purpose to serve
Perhaps it is time to let noble dreams die a noble death; and time for outdated and out moded old fools like Methuselah of the Winds to retire