Apr 24, 2008 23:50
hey all! so i'm down to just three weeks of my freshman year...er i mean my first year...dumb PC. lol. anyways. i'm actually nervous about a couple of finals, but i have two weeks left till those...
...so yeah. this week is peace week. it's been really fun so far. and oddly enough, i realized tonight that even just the one peace class, just the activeness in the peace program, i have learned a lot. tonight's peace house movie night was about how the international day of peace (september 21st, btw) came about. and afterwords, phil jones, who's amazing, was reflecting on it and asking questions, and i was responding with legitimate responses, unlike the beginning of the year. i have learned a lot. it's exciting. i can't wait to take more classes, and hopefully, i'll actually the the reading so i can get more out of the classes...ya know?
anyways, back to life...
zach has stopped talking and interacting with me. he's basically phased out david, and now i've basically been replaced. and the sad thing is, i don't think zach realizes this. today at lunch somewhat proved to me. if you're curious as to what happened, im me. but david and i are now on our own...if we get zach back, either we do an intervention and get him to stop pot...or become pot heads ourselves and blend in with that crowd...sigh.
as far as the love life goes....who knows. ever since i admitted to myself that i did like him, it's just wow, how did i miss this the entire year? why is it that when i finally find a guy that is decent, and we would actually probably work out, for at least awhile, schedule wise it's lame. between the two of us, we will not be at the same college for a year and a half, starting in the fall. sigh. and that's pretty optimistic that anything will even come out of this. but a girl can dream, can't she?
it's peace week! and i'm so excited!
but hey, i'm gonna go.
tune in soonish for a end of the school year blog :-)
<3 peace