Apr 10, 2004 02:43
Decided to sort of use this journal again.
later- do nothing- at all. (sad, but i've had shitloads of dinero this week, and dad wont give me anymore)
memorial park with Rob. He's not even my boyfriend (i dont think), but we still hold hands and kiss and stuff...its weird....he hates people, so we dont really walk past the skatepark and swings and stuff...he TAKES US INTO THE FUCKING FOREST and gets us lost...haha...i shall get pix of that day, as it is speshul, like a wheelchair to a spacker...well...its a sunday :P got well nice eyebrows too...he puts his head on my lap and i just stroke his face into oblivion...hes quite pretty for a boy...blonde and thin....and smart...and likes Mayhem (thank god). i dont really know what we are to each other...not really at the 'as sock is to cock' stage yet... and i dont think itll get there..hes just...well...he doesnt like people..that gets my goat a bit...i mean..where would we go out? *shocked*...hes got really nice hands too....and a cute bellybutton.. *sigh* i dont feel like hes my boyfriend, else i'd be like 'OH MY GOD1 HES SOOOO HOT!' and all that shite...but i'm confused as to what I am to him...hmm... he said on the phone that "he really likes me and hopes that i like him too"...pah...my brain hurts. cant be arsed to think any longer.