
Aug 09, 2009 12:59

Well, the weather is pleasantly back to normal.  My apologies to adabsolutely brynnydd mischief5 
pat_t anya2112 for not responding to your comments to my complaint about the weather.  I got abducted by real life and just recently made my way back to LJ.  I didn't mean to be rude.  :)  (sekrit note to adabsolutely -- there would be commas in that list of names if someone had not stolen my comma key.  *g*)

I woke up this a.m. and the clock said 7:30.  Went to the bathroom and got back in bed, thinking "oh, good, another hour" before the alarm goes off."  My alarm today was set for NPR news.  The next thing I knew, it was 10:30.  I had slept through an hour of the radio and 2 more hours.  Well, I guess that means I needed the sleep but it makes me sluggish and my meds are off schedule and it's after 1pm and I'm still in my robe.  Got to take a shower, grocery shop, and then give the rest of the day to being Web wiz cause there are bunches of things to do to the 3 sites.  Good thing I finally cleaned the kitchen and bathroom this week.  Those things won't nag at me.  Now, I need to empty the horizontal closet--the laundry basket filled with clean clothes that need folding and putting away.

