новое слово: to Gamify

Sep 22, 2014 19:57

To Gamify or not to Gamify

с таким заголовком кто-то начал обсуждение в Линкинд-ин группе по knowledge management'у.
Обычный словарь он-лайн Лингво это слово не знает, а вот Вики оно известно:
"Gamification is the use of game thinking and game mechanics in non-game contexts to engage users in solving problems.[1][2][3] Gamification has been studied and applied in several domains, with some of the main purposes being to engage (improve user engagement,[4] physical exercise,[5] return on investment, flow,[6] data quality, timeliness), teach (in classrooms, the public or at work[7]), entertain (enjoyment,[6] fan loyalty), measure (for recruiting and employee evaluation), and to improve the perceived ease of use of information systems.[6][8] A review of research on gamification shows that most studies on gamification find positive effects from gamification.[9]"
см. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamification

вообще-то это просто к давнему разговору про "перевод птичьего языка методологов" на "обычный"
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