Christianity and ethnicity

Jan 13, 2009 19:01

This months synchroblog (synchronised blog) is on the theme of "Faitn and ethnicity".

Normally if I think the theme will be of interest to some of my LJ friends I post a list of links to the posts, but this time I've jumped the gun, and the full list is not available yet.

The reason for jumping the gun is that I think some of my LJ friends, especially the Orthodox ones, might be interested in participating this time around, since ethnicity is sometimes seen as a problem in the Orthodox Church.

If you think you would like to participate, get writing on the topic, think of a title for your post, and send your name, the title of your post and the URL to Phil Wyman within the next 24 hours or so (on 14 January). Check back within a few hours to get the list of links to other posters, and then add it to the bottom of your own post.

For what it's worth, my contribution is already up, it's called Christianity and ethnicity.

If you'd like to know more about synchroblogs generally, check here.


Here's a temporary list of some of the posts that are already available:

religion, ethnicity, faith and ethnicity, synchroblog, christianity

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