A team from the Orthodox Christian Mission Committee (OCMC) in the USA arrived in Johannesburg yesterday for a three week teaching mission in South Africa.
They are:
Seraphima Carl, 1st year St. Vlad's seminary student; BA in
Humanities minor in Biblical Studies. Has organized portions of Vacation
Bible Studies, president of OCF, 4 time Team member to Tiajuana Mexico,
spent 4 months helping at St. Raphael House, is a Reader in her church,
plans to pursue a PhD in Theology and teaching at the seminary level
possibly overseas.
John Diamantis. St. Tikhon's student (M. Div completed this
summer); BA psychology Penn State 2002; Human developlment and Family
Studies minor, carpentry and painting, Bible study leader, musically
interested, camp counseler, evangelist at heart, previous team member.
Alex Goodwin. OCMC communications director; Computer Info
Systems degree; prison ministry, youth work, Sunday school, previous
employment - Light and Life, previous team to Kenya.
They met members of the diocesan mission committee to plan the final details of their mission, and then spoke to youth from the St Raphael's Parish, Yeoville, and it provoked a lot of discussion.
The picture shows them with members of the mission committee.
The next couple of weeks are going to be pretty busy.