Extreme economic inequality

Feb 09, 2012 07:09

Now I know that "whiteness studies" is bourgeois, capitalist and racist.

A number of young white South African Christians, who used to be interested in the "emerging church", have recently become abosorbed in "whiteness studies", a pseudo-academic discipline that seems just as racist as the "Christian Nationalism" it claims to be trying to counter. They claim that "whiteness studies" is the solution to the problem of racism that, eighteen years after the official end of apartheid, still bedevils South African society. I invited them to take part in the Synchroblog on Extreme Economic Inequality, in the hope that they might be able to show how "whiteness studies" was relevant to that, but it seems that nont one of them has done so.

For those who are interested, here are the contributions to the synchroblog, most of them from North America. It seems that South African bloggers just don't see this as a problem.

racism, poverty, whiteness studies, economic inequality, wealth, synchroblog, christianity

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