Sep 25, 2005 05:19
it's been quite a while, and now i'm sitting at the CA desk at 5:00 am wide awake. there is something terribly, terribly wrong with this picture. what's even more wrong, however, is the fact that i'm getting on after 2 months to rant about the stupidity of a scientific perspective that many Christians would like to uphold. why ID theory? why argue as "science" which cannot be researched/studied/presented in accordance with the rules of scientific materialist reductionism. you can't even present a conceptual framework within which any mechanism of the "theory" might make's pure idiocy. yes, i too would love for inalienable, undeniable proof that God created the universe. yes, created in a biblical literalist perspective...with a literal, human 6 24 hour days. but the thing is..we don't have that kind of proof. so why hold so tightly to a dim-witted, half thought-up cock up like ID theory. it's not a life preserver. it does hold up the image of God in man any better than pure atheistic materialist neoDarwinism why try? it's not SCIENCE. i don't need science to have faith. i don't need to have fact to have faith. but please, please do not try to debate science with faith. you LOSE..LOSE..straight up, no questions asked. you can't take the assumption of a designed universe and insert it as justification for saying that the current function of a biotic system has to be what it was 1,000 10,000 or a million years ago...there's nothing to support such a linear relationship. that's the whole point...the idea that descent with modification can be directed randomly through natural selection and genetic drift. i don't know how far they go...i'm not a biologist...but it's not even well developed philosophical argument to attempt to justify designed progression when the only overarching philosophical framework you're willing to consider is that of the designed. there's a reason the scientific community points a collective finger and snickers behind your back. it's STUPIDITY. pure and simple wishful thinking.
ok. i think i'm done now.
good morning, and God bless.