Sep 12, 2009 04:08

Today is really a bad day...
Imagine what will you do, if you see a lot of cockroach in ONE DAY!!!!  And if you them in YOUR HOUSE???!!!
Its what happen to me today!

When i arrive at my home (about 4 pm), i see there was a smoke or maybe fog (?), near my room. And, then i hear from my mom, that my neighbor is spraying or releasing insecticide to kill mosquito at their house.... I say ow... I don't have any scary thought at my mind in that moment.

5 minute later...
DISASTER HAPPEN! In my house's first floor, all the cockroach is coming for sewer, and going to my front floor and toilet. Then MY HOUSE IS FULL of cockroach T____T.... They are running everywhere and make me scream in horror. COZ I HATE COCKROACH!!!!
Then my mom and i kill all cockroach we see with insecticide and some of the we kill by stomp it with our feet and broom. 
GRRR.... 1 hour kill every cockroach that i see still doesn't enough to make them still coming...
I had see more than 40 cockroach, before i give up, and go back to my room and sleep(in second floor), coz, its made me tired, to kill an endless cockroach. Fortunately, there was no cockroach in second floor, THANKS GOD, coz i will be crazy if there was cockroach in my room (my collection T___T).....

And when i wake up, the cockroach already dead (because of insecticide), or killed (don't know who killed it, maybe my mom or her coworker), or maybe gone or hiding. So i don't see them anymore...


That was all happen today! I going to sleep now T___T... (Still think it was a nightmare)


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