It galls the hell out of me to even say this, but I think this is something you need to know, if you're a reader of DGN or Obsidian.
To make a long story short, the computer that I used to make my comics (such as this, as well as Dragon Girl Noriko) died rather ignominiously today. Now, if I were actually able to have something of a life, and have something to do with my life besides working 6-14 hours a day, 6-7 days a week, this wouldn’t be a major issue. Indeed, if I actually had any sort of money even though I work this insane schedule, I wouldn’t even mention it. The sad truth is, I’m nearly bankrupt and cannot afford to repair or replace my computer.
As much as I hate to say it, I need your help to keep this thing alive.
I hate even having to ask, but this project (the whole DGNiverse, not just Obsidian or DGN specifically) means more to me than I can ever express in words. Please, please, help me keep this alive. At the DGN site ( there is a widget for If you can, please click and help me do what is needed to keep this project going and keep telling a story that I love.
I hate this. I had just started again, and was feeling good about doing it, and then it all went away.
I'm sorry, friends. I really wanted to get things rolling better than ever, and now I just simply can't.