Feb 18, 2015 23:41
I'd apologize for being pretty much nonexistent for the last few months, but I'm not that sorry. I didn't mention it in my last post, but a week before I was certified as an EMT, my uncle was in a very bad car accident. He was lucky to survive; the other driver didn't. Since his doctors were idiots, he's been having problems ever since. In the last month, he's needed to go to an oral surgeon, a podiatrist, a urologist, and a neurologist.
Anyways, right now I have one relative in the hospital, two relatives who are about to undergo dangerous surgery, and one relative who had maybe two weeks left. It's been...very stressful. One relative needs cervical spine surgery, another relative has a staph infection in his bloodstream and when that clears up he needs to undergo heart surgery, and the last relative is dying from advanced lung cancer.
Not to mention I just lost my car because the owner is now too paranoid to let me keep it since my uncle's car accident. *sigh*