I was going to post this on Hikago Day - the 5th of May, a significant day in the Hikaru no Go universe - but I lost that post. So here we go again: my Hikaru no Go fic recs, five categories of five faves each.
Many of these stories are set after the series ends and contain spoilers. Some also feature *cough* extrapolation of canonical relationships. A few may not be worksafe. Please note the warnings within each individual story.
Go is addiction
My favourite rereads.
Cats In The Cradle by lisan
You know that any story with this title is going to be a heartbreaker. Hikaru, through his mother's eyes.
Shadows of a Voice by Luce Red
Luce Red writes lovely, long, plotty stories that could almost fit into the series. This one is my favourite because of how much Hikaru rocks.
The Rumour Mill by Harukami
Go Weekly asks our boys the question everyone is wondering about.
19 (x19) Things That Never Happened 2/? by pru
One in a series of alternate universe stories by Pru, who is brilliant. I am telling you this so you don't run away when I mention this AU is about Hikaru as a girl. I will also tell you not to scroll down too fast and accidentally read the second story on the same page. If you go past the 'And:' you *will* be scarred.
Ghost by Michelle Thatcher
This story only starts halfway through. But it's a favourite because I'm very fond of Akira's theory about Hikaru.
Go is angst
But the manga still wins hands down.
Ishi no Shita - Under the Stones by Murinae
White by ju
Inertia by pru
Grief Lies Onward by ju
Hover by karabana
Go is laughter
Because what is a fandom without crack?
Mr Dress Up by Laziness Incarnate
Left-Handed Go by Mooncalf
Life Imitates Art by mousapelli
Hair Today, Go Tomorrow by Laziness Incarnate
Universal Truths by ju
Go is love
No, I'm not talking about Akari.
This Isn't the Freaking Heian Era by mousapelli
Weird by Tammaiya
Two Hands (But Not of Go) by The Hoyden
When He Sees It by The Hoyden
A Whole New Apocalypse by bookshop
Go is just too damn cool
Okay, I ran out of categories.
All Strides Lengthen in a Race by Luce Red
Nosebleed by Sabina
The House That Sai Built by sarusasa
Metonymy (The Ragin' Meijin Remix) by mousapelli
Untitled by Luce Red (scroll halfway down page to read)