Oct 08, 2019 23:50

It took a week of grinding, but it was worth it!

I set my heart on the Swift Zee-Clipper, after researching all the options. I know the Rusty Tramp Steamer is the cheapest way to get started exploring, and I already had the items for it, but if I was going to get a ship, I wanted to get one that was cool. And I know the Zubmarine and the Majestic Pleasure Yacht are the best for maximising progress in the endgame, but I figured I was unlikely to be aiming at those goals. And when I really thought about it, I love the idea of speedy sailing and being able to outrun any dangers. The fastest vessel afloat!

I ended up getting my 12 Uses of Villains not through converting items to trade, but through the War of Assassins quest, which I replayed countless times over the past week. That took long enough, but I was also worried about the actual attempt to get the ship. My Dangerous stat gave me only a modest chance of success (64%). Each failure would lose me one Use of Villains - which would send me back to the grind.

I decided to spend a Hard-Earned Lesson to ensure a Second Chance, clicked the button, closed my eyes and crossed my fingers, and then opened my eyes - to find a server error message! My thoughts were about what you would expect. I reloaded, to find I was already sitting on my Second Chance. I clicked the button again - and it worked!

I have a Swift Zee-Clipper, I am an Explorer of the Unterzee, and I get to change my title to Captain! From here, I can go anywhere...

I must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky,
And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by...

- John Masefield, "Sea Fever"

Crossposted from Dreamwidth, where there are
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fallen london

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