random flailing :3

Sep 28, 2012 22:57

I found a pic of Taisuke at SMAP Tokyo Dome concert the other day on Twitter. No pic of other members, what a pity.

He really loves that t-shirt, ne XD and apparently it's the one that I've been joking about for the whole time, the pairing t-shirt with Mitsu XDD

Today Only star gives us a glimpse of drama "Priceless". Man, I'm so shocked LOL Taisuke's hair LOL~ seriously why his hair is always the thing to pay for every new drama LOL?

Next week on Ayashi uwasa, we have Mitsu and Domoto Koichi. Mitsu finally gets to meet his idol XD he did sing Koichi's "Deep in your heart" years ago, ne XDD

speaking of Koichi, today I see his new solo song "Danger zone". It's pretty cool :3 the choreo and melody is impressive, I like it :3

Randomly come across this pic :3 haha it brings back good memories :3 so we have Taisuke, Mitsu and Yusuke there XD Mitsu still remembers Yusuke until now, even that seemed to be the only one time they met each other. I guess since that time Yusuke started to secretly ship his brother with Mitsu too XD?? Taisuke once told that he found a pic of himself and Mitsu in Yusuke's room, so I can't help but branding him as a fujikita fanboy/shipper LOL~~

wait a minute, I think I have another pic of chibi Taichan and Micchan back then :"3

aww they look so young and adorable ♥

I want to re-watch the whole thing, but I lost my Hiramekin clip a while ago orz does anybody still have it T__T?

oh, I found this one too XD

seriously Mitsu, what happened in those past years lol? how can people become shorter after time XD?

because I'm bored, I'll be posting random pic of my OTP XD~ they need to be safe somewhere after all. I will regret it later if someday something happens to my dear laptop and the whole lot of things of them.
















pffft~ so the rumoured pairing jerseys look like this XD~
end of all the random things XD~

fujikita, gaya, mitsu, hirosuke

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