May 10, 2005 03:48
It's 4 am.
Kinkos is the worst. They don't have any working printers and they don't have and cd-r's. I wasted 2 hours there. Fuck them.
I still haven't sanded down my final project for resources. I doubt i will get anything decent grade wise out of it or the other project. :(
I have been managing my time (and if you call me lazy today i will fucking beat you), hell i haven't even had a full day away from school. 2 weeks ago, or maybe three...they closed down the school without telling anyone, which put me 8 hours behind on my advanced printing class. if you subtract 8 from the 26 hours i spent this weekend, i could've been done by 12am this morning. The thing is the faculty didn't care if us photo students were there, it was the "sercurity guards" that were so FUCKING anal. On Sunday one of them told me sternly that i could not cut through the museum to go downstairs to the darkroom like i always have for months. I didn't know about that, no one told me, and she just gave me that "well you should've known better bitch" look. Argh. They are so bitchy and difficult to deal with all the time.
Time for breakfast and to finish up.