More substantial... Including when I expect to reguarly be back online.

Oct 01, 2008 09:51

As I type this, it is 7:23PM, Tuesday, the last day of September. Just ordered a free pizza, about 7 minutes ago. Today I did the big move, all of my stuff worth keeping moved from one appartment to another... also the last day I could do so without paying extra. Fuck I'm tired. My boss is awsome, as is my dad; both helped me move without my asking for more than a little help. I hate digging through all the failures... all the things I tried to do, never got around to... Yeah, I have some not-happy issues with food.

ANYWAY, you're likely checking this place because you haven't seen me since monday, and I mentioned to some of you that I would be updating this. Well, it looks like the cable guy won't be out here until friday, 8am-noon. Why am I being so specific? Because it'll help me remember. Anyway, if you WOULD like me around for RP, I've arranged something with my boss so that I can RP at work, late into the night. So you just need to tell me here, or email me.

Hang on, I need to rig a makeshift window shade.

There we go. *dwarf fortress eats about an hour* It's strange how I write sometimes, but when writing something where you say you're writing it at a specific time that makes documenting what you are doing while writing make... strange sense.
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