Here are some pictures from summer and early fall. Oscar is in school, Viv has had a busy schedule of activities, Ada is growing with great enthusiasm…
Viv rocking Grandpa’s reading glasses
Viv at the Soup Festival.
…and Oscar.
Hey, Tooth Fairy! She gives pretty stones in exchange for teeth at our place.
Ada is frequently alert, and somewhat portable.
Ooh, fire! (For Elizabeth's birthday.)
Potential Serious Hippie Artist photo #1.
Serious Hippie Artist, now on a rock pile.
…And with decaying outbuilding!
Elizabeth looking happy and triumphant after the photoshoot at my parents’ place. It was a fun impromptu date and part of getting ready for her
first show as Libby Hortop. You should come to her 7:30 PM show on November 14 at Dépanneur Sylvestre in Hull (Fortier and Dumas) if you can make it.
Oscar helping out with some guerrilla landscaping at the Medical Centre.
Faerie Oscar with mushrooms in front of the local university.
Ada getting into Hallowe’en spookiness.
Oscar and Vivien ready for the pumpkin carving to begin.
Tummy time with train.
Outdoor adventurers!
Oscar burning off spare energy dragging a very big bag of cat food (he did this for a bit shy of 2 km).
Viv's pumpkin, carved by Elizabeth based on her requests and drawings.
Fun at the park.
Oscar agreed to come down only after I took this picture.
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entry on Dreamwidth. There are
comments on the original entry.