Jul 04, 2006 19:59
So, I sign up for e-bills and check the "send me e-mail when bills arrive" option in March. I keep getting enough paper bills to impart a feeling of keeping up, but my phone/Internet bill keeps piling up in my e-bill thing without a single e-mail. Three days before they pull the plug, I call to change some stuff and am informed that they can't do anything until I shovel a heap of money their way.
I pay the CIBC service fees to do stuff like notify me when they recieve e-bills. And maintain branches (they always close the ones close to me soon after I arrive in a neighbourhood). The CIBC can't manage this. I'm switching banks (I'm thinking Desjardins RBC (Desjardins horror stories seem to abound, and there's an RBC right near my place)... any horror stories I should know about?)
In good news, Noisette is back from whatever dimension she was hiding in. Lost cat situation over (for now).
comment explosion,
galloping incompetence