Apr 16, 2005 01:41
I've been thinking about death recently. Not in a "Oh no, death!" kind of way, just thinking about it. As in, death is this thing that none of us will ever escape. But hopefully by the time it comes for you, you will say "I've had a good run."
There's noble ways to die, like fighting for something you believe in. Which is why it saddens me when I hear about deaths in Iraq, because the only thing I see our troops doing out there is fighting for survival. In WWII we faught for ideals. I dont know what we fight for now.
There's stupid ways to die. The kind of thing that that is prefaced with "Hey y'all watch this!" is probably a stupid way to die.
There's gruesome ways to die. This is where I would link you to Ogreish.com but you have to type it in yourself.
But I think the best way to die would probably be in your sleep the morning after having made love to the love of your life all night long, and its been about 6 years since since you won the lottery and you've done just about everything. Thats probably the best way to go. I think by then you've had a good run.
What do you think is the best way to go?