What would your life be, if it were a movie? Comedy, horror, drama, sci-fi? And who would play you?

May 02, 2004 01:53

Now why does this question seem so oddly familiar?

There's drama, to be sure, in my life. Perhaps so much so that it would have to be toned down. No science-fiction, no real fantasy either, though you might classify it as that to make the burning bushes and walking on water more palatable. There's a bit of everything in my life, horror too (oddly enough, that isn't even the vampires), romance of a sort (but please, I shan't discuss that as it grew old before you were even using abaci) a musical at times... (Fine. Karaoke. Lowest musical form ever, perhaps.)

But in the end, I'd have to say the over-arching theme would have to be comedy. Admittedly it isn't of the sort you'd roll about laughing at, or even get the majority of the jokes. Perhaps from time to time you'd smirk, smile, snort and shake your head. Perhaps only God and I would laugh.

I doubt, somehow, that it would ever be made and stay true to life. Although what bigger battle is there than that between good and evil, that of His servants and the Fallen? Probably more sex would be put in, glaring inaccuracies for the sake of genre and grossing. And even so, someone would use it to justify some war or hatred or lifestyle over another...

As to who would play me? It would have to be someone with a damn good voice, an even better sense of humour, someone incredibly good at portraying long-suffering and who didn't mind spitting. Or people fondling his wings and staring at his non-extant crotch. No one springs to mind.

...And it would have to be very abridged or it would take forever to film...
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