In January, I
resolved to practice 3 yoga breaths a day, and one asana.
I mostly did this -- I mean most days (some days more than once). Good for me! Time to explore it:
- It's doable, yay!
- It's a little bit small.
- I did mostly seated poses, uttanasana, spinal twists and stretches, and hip openers.
- I was also doing the Daily Challenge most days too.
- About half the days I drank a full water bottle (separately from everything else). That seemed very clearly helpful: resting and clearing my mind later during each day I did this (by comparison to non-water days).
- My weight did not change.
- I like the flexibility of doing "most days" even though the resolve says each day-- this seems practical, kind, realistic, while have a simpler goal.
- I did most of the breathing while driving. This is helpful but not as separate as I'd like, more "as-catch-can" than intentional.
- It addresses what I think is most obviously needful to me: pauses, reflection, practice, intention, me-as-living-body.
- I think that need is still present, fairly intense.
I'm thinking for February, I'll change this (and grow it a bit) this way:
- 4 breaths and 2 asanas (of which 2x/week it's a Sun Salutation of some kind)
- Practice 10 minutes of resting mind two times a week (this is a new thing)
- Do an LJ-list for myself once a week.
I look at this and think "not enough! not ambitious enough!" ... But... I think this really is where I am and maybe my next stepping stone. Besides, I can add to it if I need to (like with water, or Daily Challenge specifically noted). It's flexible that way.