mental spillage while working on e-newsletter

Jan 30, 2009 08:54

  • 09:21 is translating MSW to MailChimp.
  • 13:57 The Bristol Bakery has EXCELLENT Butternut Squash soup. It keeps me happy enough to not cuss at email clients' CSS-handling differences.
  • 14:52 I like blog-feed-to-page widgets. At least in concept. Now I need to get up and go find a place with cell phone signal.
  • 17:07 Later: Work late, to try to be finished with many small things. Now: a boy out of preschool and maybe chocolate chip cookies.
  • 22:08 Planning. Setting myself no more than two work tasks/client/day, if that. Tricky. EASY to fill up my time, wow.
  • 23:26 Hah! Take that, you "OMG a long link I can't wrap the line" email apps! I found your issue and worked around it! (Er. Who's winning here?)
from twitter to LJ via LoudTwitter

webbish workings, chirp chirp

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