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To: quigsley From: Steve anonymous December 23 2006, 03:01:20 UTC
As you have brazenly used my personage - in the form of a verbal transcipt expressing my witty, eloquent, characteristic and copyrighted views - to advance your own commercial agenda, namely the advertisement of your new blog (which I have been advised by my lawyers not to read), I have been forced to take drastic measures: on Jan. 5th 2007 my lawyers will file a formal grievance to the tune of six million (6,000,000) dollars ($) for renumeration stemming from loss of professional status, copyright violation, false advertising and undue emotional distress. If you wish to avoid any such legal wrangling I suggest we reach and out-of-court settlement posthaste. I am willing to ignore said ignoble violation of my person for half the price stated in the grievance - namely, three million dollars - as well as a public apology in the form of a full page ad taken out in next month's Variety. If space is occupied, either a full page ad in the next month's Variety or the current New York Times is permissable. If none of these spots are available, the apology must take the form of a public news conference to be attended by the official representatives of no fewer than three national new outlets NOT specializing in legal or entertainment issues - not that the above also precludes the use of freelancers. I hope we can reach an amicable decision as swiftly as possible.

Happy Holidays!
The Estate of Steven Dunn


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