(no subject)

Apr 10, 2009 18:04

buccaneer has a day:

Somewhere back there in the Mists of Education, I heard a statistic that at the height of the Old Stone Age, there were approximately six (m) million humans on the planet... Now, depending on who you ask, I’m sure that that statistic is probably treated with a range from ‘caution’ up to ‘contempt’, but let’s just suppose that that number is an accurate portrayal of the population of human beings that you, me, and Lenny Philpot’s second-cousin Deng all come from. How many is six million? Well, New York City has a population of over eight million people, Los Angeles (or if you prefer San Francisco metro area) is just over four million, so somewhere between the two. Actually, the entirety of Washington State in 2001 was around six million. Remember, that’s a putative six million mammoth-moochers for the entire bloody planet.

And now there are over six flipping BILLION of us. Orders of magnitude of change. We are a successful species, having gone from 6*10^6, to 6* 10^9 (short scale) individuals. This mostly in mere centuries... And in this immense, seething mass of humanity, these 6*10^9 individuals who eat, sleep, and go about their daily lives, the entirety of our very species after a long, hard epochs of slog from dodging cave bears and smilodons for the barest subsistence, to perfecting use of metals, to shelter to food safety and agriculture to whisking by in a Honda Prius sipping a Red Bull and texting the BFF... this moron had to go and call me.


Source is quoted in entirety and flocked. QWP.
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